A little party never killed nobody

#  more from the christmas party.
daily thoughts: I guess it's normal, but I feel I appreciate everything more and more for each day that goes. Just being able to do the thing I want. Having friends. Having my family. Being able to listen to beautiful music. And most of all, having life. Life is such a wonderful thing. But then again, it's what you make it to. And right now, I'm making it the best, so if you ain't happy, do something about it. And remember, 99% of the time you only regret the things you haven't done.
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Elizabeth säger:

lovely blog! great photos!

Svar: thank you so much, it makes me very happy to hear someone say that! :) xx
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2013-12-12 | 03:21:19
Bloggadress: http://www.eruiel.blogspot.com

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