you learn from your mistakes

A thing I haven't done for a long time is hot chocolate. I thought, it's december so why not start again? Not a bad idea! I made it out of hot milk, cocao and honey. I usually use vanilla powder and sugar, but I didn't have it at home, and honey wasn't wrong either. 
Otherwise? (not so fun to read so you don't have to read haha) This morning I got up early to go to the doctors, because my cold never goes away. Constant coughing for 2 weeks, almost 3. The doctor luckily said it was just a normal flue, which is normal to have this time of the year. He gave me two medicines and a certificate for school saying I need to stay at home for three days. Uuuuugh, I really don't want to miss a day of dancing, but I also realize I have to relax and take it easy to get well. Health unfortunately have to go first. :( I pushed it to far, going to school when I was really bad, I had no energy and felt dizzy and could hardly talk, but now I have to get well. I'm going to cure myself so much theese days so I will come back stronger than ever! Is there someone of you who are also ill? In that case, hope you feel better soon, and remember - better to stay one day more at home to be sure you're well! 
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