pics from the weekend
Today my day has been filled with:
- kügym
- maths
- ballet
- politics (tumblr)
- pas de duex
I'm thinking more and more about Christmas, now that it's coming nearer. I really look forward to going home for two weeks and celebrating Christmas with my family and friends. These times of the year feel even more important for me now than they did before, because I'm not seeing my family a lot. But that's whats so great later, when you finally meet them, it's going to be so nice! 
Until I go home, which is in like 3-4 weeks, I'm going to work as much as I can to become stronger and better dancer. In the last 3 weekends that's left; brunch with my lovely friends, christmas markets, christmas party and the search of christmas presents awaits.
Most important of all, I will enjoy this cosy time of the year which I really, really like so much! And I think you should do it too, no stress, worries, sad faces becase it's the time of JOY. 
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