Die beste Oma und Opa ♥

Foood foood foood. Haha it looks like were just eating , but it's actually just because I only took pictures when we sat down and eat. Anyway, this is my grandparents! They are the sweetest and I love them so much. I'm so happy that they wanted to come and visit me here in Berlin. They arrived on wednesday and they go home on saturday morning, so I've got tomorrow to spend time with them as well, wiiihoo!
We have been talking a lot, been to cafés and also had the swedish bun "semla" which my granny made and brought with her, so sweet! Today they went to a museum while I was taking a ballet class at the school (yes, I'm on holidays but there are open-classes for those who want), and then we met up for lunch , which was a really good sushi on Danziger Straße. Then for the evening we went to a really nice restaurant on Oranienburger Straße where I took a vegetarian dish with aubergine, zucchini, buffel-mozzarela, pesto, tomatoes and some polenta-bread. YUM! 
Then just around the corner, we walked into a jazz-café to hear some live jazz music. Also tried a hot chocolate, heheh, which was served in a bowl, not bad. The Jazz band was pretty good and it was a nice thing to do with my grandparents. Looking forward to do some fun stuff with them tomorrow as well but now it's bed-time! Good night folks, xx
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