ob 4 tage habe ich urlaub , wiiiii

Helloooo people, 
how are you? I hope everyone is happy and healthy. 
In 4 days I have holidays which I feel a big relief for, because it is well needed. On saturday I catched a cold and now I have a terrible cough and snively nose. Uuuugh! Not fun. So, therfore I am so so so happy that the one week holiday is close. Before that though I have a performance on Friday (also Valentines day, haha I'm happy for all you who are not "forever alone") : gotta love life! Anyway, so performance time is always great so I'm looking forward to it although my roll this time is not a big one, all well, everything is an experience! After that I think we'll all go and have a well-deserved dinner somewhere nice and celebrate our freedom a little.
Plans for my holiday week: (a bit school included since I stay in Berlin, and will not go home this time)
- saturday . & sunday. Sleeeeeeeep. haha no but relax in some kind of way! (get well)
- monday. ballet + a little rehearsal 
- tuesday. off to Dresden for the whole day, doing the same performance. *looking forward to itttt! never been there..*
- wednesday. my dear grandparents arrive to Berlin to visit me! *SO EXCITED AND HAPPY < 3 ***
- thursday. ballet at 12. then spend time with my grnadparents <3
- friday. same as thursday.
- saturday & sunday. ALL FREE 
I'm going to explore some more of Berlin and find new favourite places to be and so on. I will also experiment with baking , I got a few things on my list I would like to try. Last I  tried banana bread, and it sure was unbelievably great! Here is a link to the recipe : HEALTHY BANANA BREAD
Ok, a lot of text but whatever, I felt for it. :D I do what I feel for and I'm happy. And now, I want to sleep and I hope mine and your, (if you have one or otherwise you can pretend), dreamcatcher catches some beautiful dreams tonight. Love to you all, good night
X       O        X       O


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