tick tack

a pretty watch I recieved as b-day present from my father, thank you! 
and probably one of the best books I have ever read from my mother. 
and then a little pic of me , with ma new 2 euro earrings.
and I wanted to tell you that I only have 3 more days left in Berlin, and then I will
go home and have holidays. Unbelieveable 
Before that I have to sell ma bike and pack all ma stuff, I'm leaving Berlin
Yes it's sad, but I have had an awesome year here 
learnt more than I could of imagined
I can talk german (almost haha, with a foreign accent)
I learnt sosososososososososo much about myself
I know dancing is ma thing to do, but that the road there is not easy
And I am so excited to start a new life in Stockholm
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