deep, or not.

I just wanted to share a few words with you because I feel so inspired right now.
I'm sixteen and in 3 weeks time, I will be 17. I'm learning to appreciate everything I've got, more and more for each day that goes. I do things I can instead of wishing for them. I realize life is not going to wait for you, you have to keep up and do what you wish to do with it. I don't expect everything to be good, another word - perfect, but I do try to see everything good, and positive. I respect people for who they are, and see their bright sides. 
I am still young, I am still learning. I am not afraid to change, for changes. I'm learning to be open and not embaressed of stupid things, I am spending time with those I want. I'm doing what I love as much as I can. I am not afraid of anything, only spiders and that's ok. I don't even care who reads this and thinks - what a pathetic wannabe-poet, cause you know what, I'm doing it for me and for the ones who want to learn, because those are the people who inspire me. 
X              O              X               O


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